Journeying with Smart Data for WASH
Athena Infonomics

In the world of data-driven development, few voices are as passionate and insightful as Eunice Namirembe's. Currently a Principal Consultant at Athena Infonomics, Eunice has been at the forefront of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to revolutionize the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector in her journey over a decade.

Here’s her take on her journey, the impact of her work, and the future of data systems in development.

Q: Eunice, what's the highlight of your work at Athena?

Eunice (E): "The highlight is seeing how we create powerful data systems that governments and utilities can use to change the way they plan for citizens. It's inspirational to know your work is changing lives. Plus, I get to travel to different countries – each with unique challenges. It's fascinating to compare and help countries benchmark against each other."

Q: How has your role evolved since joining Athena?

E: "When I joined, I was focused on developing data systems to solve problems. Now, it's about ensuring the data we produce makes sense for end-users. We're supporting governments to actively use data for planning and changing how they work. It's not just maintaining the status quo, but revolutionizing their approach."

Q: Any standout moments you’d like to share?

E: "So many! But one that stands out was in Ethiopia. We created baseline maps for 10 cities, highlighting informal settlements and WASH services. At a workshop, I saw people gathered around these maps, consulting them during breaks, and even starting to make plans for changes. They'd say things like 'this isn't right' or 'we're not doing well here,' and they'd begin to make plans based on what they saw. It's a silent, positive impact that Athena has made. It was amazing to see our work directly influencing decision-making!"

Q: How does your work in the WASH sector align with your background?

A: "My career has always been about ICT for development. When I joined the WASH sector 10 years ago, no one was innovating with ICT. It was all technical innovations like boreholes and water pipes. No one was thinking about building data systems or making sure these systems could communicate with each other. I built one of the first data systems for service delivery, and now I'm thrilled to see more systems coming into place. It's exciting to contribute to the sector in this way."

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