Women Empowerment
Vocational Training
Endline Assessment of the Second Chance Education and Vocational Learning Programme in India

The Second Chance Education and Vocational Learning (SCE) Programme by UN Women aims to develop context-specific, affordable, and scalable learning, entrepreneurship and employment pathways for empowering the world’s most disadvantaged women and young women. It offers women and young women, their families, local communities, and societies the benefits of access to educational services that are tailored not only to their needs as learners but also to their future as earners.

Athena Infonomics conducted an endline assessment for the SCE Programme in India. This Utilization-Focused-Evaluation, with a quasi-experimental design, was conducted in 12 districts across the four programme states of Bihar, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Rajasthan. This assessment aimed to evaluate the program's performance against established benchmarks from the baseline phase. It involved measuring the impact of the SCE program on women's lives, including their self-confidence and agency through its three pathways: Education, Enterprise and Vocational Skilling.

Athena also identified the most influential pathway among the three, determined the appropriate methodology and tools for the assessment, adapted the measurement framework, and created relevant indicators to capture program insights and changes in perceptions regarding mindset and gender stereotypes. Additionally, in order to comprehensively capture the social value created, social return on investment (SROI) of the programme was also calculated.

To know more about the project, reach out to Trapti Malviya.