Itad has chosen Athena Infonomics to assist in identifying enablers and barriers to relevant, timely, and accountable emergency response as part of an evaluation of the Hilton Foundation’s funding approaches within its $10 million disaster relief and recovery grant portfolio.
The evaluation is focused on the Hilton Foundation’s four pooled funding mechanisms—the Save the Children Humanitarian Fund, the START Fund, the Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR) Change Fund, and Concertación Regional para la Gestión del Riesgo (CRGR)—as well as a grant of $500,000 to Mercy Corps for an emergency response to drought in Ethiopia. The evaluation has an emphasis on learning rather than traditional accountability, which will help grantees improve their operations.
Itad has engaged Athena as a community engagement partner to conduct sex-disaggregated focus group discussions (FGDs) with community members in locations where Hilton grantees and their partners have undertaken an emergency response. These discussions will be held in the language with which people are most comfortable—an important element in maximizing participation and inclusivity.
Image Source: EU/ECHO Samuel Marie-Fanon