These Guidebooks are a part of a larger engagement with the British High Commission that seeks to explore the potential of Public Private Partnerships to fulfil the investment and innovation gaps in the creation and delivery urban infrastructure and services.
The project was implemented in three phases.
The first phase involved undertaking an analysis of various PPP experiences in the water supply and municipal solid waste sectors. Here a set of key pre-requisites that have the potential to contribute to improvements in PPP design and implementation were identified.
In Phase II, the key findings derived from phase I were widely discussed with a number of key stakeholder including government representatives, concessionaires, banks and financial institutions, transaction advisers and NGO and CBO representatives to gather feedback and mobilize consensus.
In Phase III, a series of capacity building workshops in each of the states identified under the project namely Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu were held and guidebooks have been developed to equip Urban Local Bodies with the requisite tools and knowledge to make informed decisions on urban water supply and sewerage management and municipal solid waste management projects.