ESG and sustainability services

We specialize in Market Systems Modelling, Investment Impact Simulation, and Digital Strategies for Monitoring and Learning, enabling us to manage complex data sets and provide actionable insights that enhance policy and operational strategies. We work with global development organisations, philanthropies and foundations, as well as global businesses to guide them towards sustainable and profitable futures through our comprehensive advisory services, tailored solutions, and rigorous research in ESG and sustainability related issues.



Companies at the start of their esg journey

Assist in design & roll out

1. Mapping of stakeholeder expectations
- internal and external stakeholeders.
2. Materiality assessment
3. Choosing ESG standrad
4. Designing ESG strategy
5. Poor Benchmarking & Setting KPI'S
6. Drafting policies & procedures
7. Designing governance & structures
8. Chalking out the ESG data collation process
9. Validating supply chain design, org design

Companies that have made some progress in their esg journey

Assist in implementation

1. Design & implement improvement initiatives to enable
- Improved esg rating
- higher level of investor interest
- higher congruence with regulatory guidelines
2. data check
3. Preparing regulatory disclosures
4. Due diligence for partners in the value chain
5. Conforming with IFRS S1 & S2 guidelines

Companies that have made significant progress in their esg journey

Improvement focused services

1. Improve ESG compliance across the value chain
2. Improve communication with all stakeholders
3. Human rights assessment across the value chain
4. Alignment with SDGs

Athena's offerings to FInancial institutions and INTERMEDIARIES


1. Impact of climate risk on the asset and the liability side
2. Sustainable underwriting
3. ESG risk assessment
4. Impact assessment
5. ESG data and research


1. Integrates ESG expectations of investors in their investment policy (screening)
2. Assistance in choosing the proper fund manager/ due diligence
3. ESG risk assessment
4. ESG audit of underlying assets in the portfolio
5. Carbon footprint of individual investors
6. ESG data and research


1. Integrates ESG expectations of investors in their investment philosophy (screening)
2. ESG risk assessment
3. ESG audit
4. Monitoring and evaluation
5. impact assessment
6. Stewardship assistance (on voting)
7. ESG data and research


1. ESG due diligence before making an investment
2.ESG audit
3. Monitoring and evaluation
4. Impact assessment
5. ESG improvement initiatives in investee companies
6. ESG data and research

Snapshot of our Projects
Tracking Social & Economic Change: Impact Reporting for Amicus Capital

340+ Projects across
five Continents

Learn how we are developing solutions for clients around the globe.